Wednesday 27 August 2008

Tokyo - Odaiba - Shigeru Ban

Shigeru Ban mobile gallery

SB2006 - Shigeru Ban's Paper House

Shigeru Ban's "Paper House (2006)" @ Singapore Management University

Ban is an architect known for experimental innovations in structure and materials and is especially known for his 'paper architecture'. The Paper House is a made with a simple recycled-paper tube structure and serves as the information centre of the Singapore Biennale. This office will last for about 3 months and afterwards, the major components of this bldg will be recycled.

Rooftop gardens in new york city

Rooftop gardens in new york city
Rooftop gardens in new york city

Vertical Garden

Vertical Garden
Originally uploaded by Giloutwest
Vertical Garden
Vertical Garden in front of Guggenheim, Bilboa, Spain

Vertical Garden

Vertical Garden
Originally uploaded by 21C digital boy
Vertical landscaping inside Siam Paragon shopping centre, designed by Patrick Blanc the renowed tropical botanist from France. Other notable works by Blanc include the vegetal walls outside Musée du Quai Branly and the French Ministry of Culture in Paris.

more info:

Caixa Forum art exhibition Madrid

CaixaForum is the new headquarter of the cultural centre of the "la Caixa" Foundation in Madrid, opposite the Prado, a new building designed for all kinds of audiences offering a broad range of cultural, social and educational activities designed for learning and having fun at the same time. The new Cultural Centre has 4,000 square metres of space devoted to exhibition galleries, an auditorium with seating for 400 people and a thoroughly modernised media library/library.
The Caixa Forum extends the brick shell of the former Mediodía power station to house a new entrance lobby, café, galleries, restaurant and administrative offices.
Project is by Herzog & de Meuron (also known for the newOlympic Stadium in Beijing). The spectacular vertical Garden is by Patrick Blanc.
The project extends underground to contain a theatre, service rooms and parking, and includes a 650sq m public space created by demolishing a gas station.

BHV Paris vertical garden

BHV Paris vertical garden
Originally uploaded by myrtilla

mobbs' vertical garden

Vertical Garden

Vertical Garden
Originally uploaded by donna_3011

Vertical Garden

Vertical Garden
Originally uploaded by ktyag

Patrick Blanc's vertical garden at the Branly

Vertical garden with windows

Jardín Vertical

Jardín Vertical
Originally uploaded by Gonzalo Fernández
Jardín Vertical
La fotografía no hace justicia a la espectacularidad
del jardín vertical de Caixa Forum de Madrid.

De fotografie doet geen recht aan de prachtige
verticale tuin bij Caixa Forum, Madrid.

The picture doesn't quite capture all the beauty of
the vertical garden at Caixa Forum, Madrid.

Vertical garden at the Musee du Quai Branly, Paris

The vertical garden

The vertical garden
Originally uploaded by blondepowers

Vertical garden

Vertical garden
Originally uploaded by Olafia Lar.


Originally uploaded by piratesparty in action

Hampton Court Flower Show


Originally uploaded by Grant Neufeld

Sunflower guerrilla gardening on Stamford Street

Sunflower Guerrilla gardening Westminster Bridge Road

Sunflower guerrilla gardening blooms on Stamford Street

june2008 061

june2008 061
Originally uploaded by linniekin

june2008 069

june2008 069
Originally uploaded by linniekin


june2008 081
Originally uploaded by linniekin

june2008 148

june2008 148
Originally uploaded by linniekin

june2008 153

june2008 153
Originally uploaded by linniekin

Bus Stop Garden

Bus Stop Garden
Originally uploaded by theboyleastlikely2

growing greenpoint one seed at a time...guerilla gardeners seed box.

growing greenpoint one seed at a time...guerilla gardeners seed box.

guerrilla gardeners

guerrilla gardeners
Originally uploaded by Vincent Jacobs

Guerrilla gardener

Guerrilla gardener
Originally uploaded by The Walkabouters

Guerilla Gardener

Guerilla Gardener
Originally uploaded by xenya

Guerilla Gardener

Guerilla Gardener
Originally uploaded by esmondelf

Water me!

Water me!
Originally uploaded by squiddity of toronto

Sunflower Guerrilla gardening London Road

Guerilla gardening 1

Guerrila Gardeners in Haarlem

Guerrila Gardeners in Haarlem

Guerrila Gardeners in Haarlem


Originally uploaded by jip

guerrilla gardeners

guerrilla gardeners
Originally uploaded by Vincent Jacobs

guerrilla gardeners

guerrilla gardeners
Originally uploaded by Vincent Jacobs

guerrilla gardeners

guerrilla gardeners
Originally uploaded by Vincent Jacobs

Guerrilla Gardeners

Guerrilla Gardeners
Originally uploaded by Grant Neufeld

Guerrilla Gardeners in Plymouth

Sunflower Guerrilla gardeners outside Perronet House

Guerilla Gardeners

Guerilla Gardeners
Originally uploaded by Jonathan